Orbi Orange Light (What It Means and How to Fix It)

The lights present on Orbi routers and satellites can be fascinating on various occasions. But, when they glow orange, it is not a reason for happiness especially in the case of ring light on satellite. Apart from this, Orbi orange light appears on the router’s Power LED. What does it mean and how to fix it? We will try to make you understand the same through this blog.

Meaning of Orange Light on Orbi

Let us tell you that it is generally the amber light on LEDs that shows up on various occasions. It appears as if it is orange.

Power Light on Router + Satellite Ring Light on Satellite
When the power light on Orbi router and satellite glows orange, it generally has two meanings. The solid orange color signifies that the Orbi device is rebooting whereas the Orbi blinking orange means that Orbi is resetting to factory settings. Furthermore, it also means a firmware update in progress. The ring LED light on your Orbi might flash orange/amber for 3 minutes and then turn off after that. Although it means that the router-satellite connection is established, it still means that the connection is weaker and you can strengthen it by taking a few measures.

How to Fix Orbi Orange Light: Troubleshooting

Fixing Orange Power Light

  • Solid Orange: If the power light on the Orbi is solid amber, you must wait and let the system reboot. However, a power cycle is required if the light stays orange for a longer period because the boot-up might have stuck.
  • Blinking Orange: To fix the blinking orange light on Orbi, we suggest you let the factory reset or firmware update complete. Both the processes are supposed to get completed without any interruption. After the completion, Orbi light colors will become white.

Fixing Satellite’s Orange Ring Light

The ring light flashing orange on the Orbi satellite means that the connection is weaker than that in the Orbi satellite blue light case. To fix it, we recommend you reduce the gap between the satellite and router. It must not be more than 10 ft. If possible, you are advised to keep them in the same room. Ensure that their path of communication is not jam-packed with physical obstructions.

Above all, your Orbi router or satellite must not be surrounded with devices that are a major source of electromagnetic radiation emission. To name a few, keep the Orbi away from microwave ovens, Bluetooth speakers, refrigerators, etc. Mirrors are also supposed to be at a distance of a few meters from the Orbi device.

Note: For a flawless communication between the Orbi router and satellite, you can also try creating an Ethernet Backhaul between them. However, a factory reset is recommended if the connection keeps failing.

The Final Words

The Orbi orange light can become an issue if appears for a longer period in the case of the Power LED and does not seem to go away from the satellite’s ring. Thankfully, the above-given tricks are there to help you. Hopefully, you will be able to address the issue very effectively and resume the online experience.

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