Netgear Orbi Blue Light: Meaning and Troubleshooting

Netgear Orbi Blue Light Troubleshooting

Purple and white are not only colors that appear on Orbi router and satellites. You can also see blue light on Orbi at stances. However, this color generally glows on the Ring light of the satellite. What does Orbi blue light mean and what to do if things go weird with Orbi lights? This blog will explain.

What Does Blue Light on Orbi Mean?

The Orbi satellite blue light has three states. In the first state, the blue light stays solid for 3 minutes and in the second state it blinks blue. However, the third state exists when the Orbi solid blue light appears for more than 3 minutes. Refer to the following table to understand when do these states occur.

Solid Blue Light (3 Min) Blinking Blue Light Solid Blue Light (3+ Min)
The solid blue light on Orbi satellite means that it has established a good connection with the router and is in proper sync. It won’t require any troubleshooting technique to be followed. You can connect your devices to Orbi WiFi for internet. The blinking blue light appears when the satellite is trying to connect to the router. This means you need to wait and let the light glow blue for 3 min and then turn off. However, if some other color appears, reduce the satellite-router distance. If you are seeing the solid blue light for more than 3 minutes then it is a sign that the satellite is facing some issues with the router connection. In that case, you will have to follow some troubleshooting techniques that are discussed further in the blog.

How to Fix Orbi Blue Light on Satellite?

This is to inform you that Orbi light colors have different meaning on outdoor satellites. If you see an Orbi outdoor blinking blue and white alternatively, it means it is ready to get connected to the router. Thus, you need to pull up a web browser on a PC connected to Orbi satellite and go to to connect it to Orbi satellite. The following guidelines are supposed to be followed with respect to Orbi indoor satellites.

Check the Satellite Placement

The internet connection problem is most likely to occur when the satellite is placed in an area where it experiences WiFi signal interference. Thus, apart from being at a distance of 10ft away from the router, the satellite needs to be in an area where there are no objects containing a large amount of water, devices emitting electromagnetic frequencies, reflexive surfaces, and metal objects. Also, avoid keeping the satellite in corners.

Restart the Satellite

Power cycling the satellite can also fix the blue Orbi light for you. Therefore, you should unplug power cord from the wall outlet and keep the satellite idle for a few moments. Once done, you can power up the satellite once again and sync it with the router.

Reset the Satellite

You should go for a factory default reset of the satellite if the Orbi blue light is not ready to get fixed. To reset, look for the Reset button at the back and press it using a sharp object. When you release the button after 7 seconds, the satellite will reset.


The Bottom Line

This was all about blue light on Orbi satellite. Hopefully after the reset process, you will be able to fix the problem. However, you should not forget to sync it again with the router after a factory default reset.

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